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"When your breath is in Rhythm, Your Life becomes a Song"

Welcome to the Sacred Breath Challenge!

Breath is the bridge between the body, mind, and spirit. When your breath is in rhythm, your life becomes a song.

In this 10-day challenge, we will explore traditional breathing techniques from yoga that connect us to the essence of life: prana. Pranayama is more than just a physical practice; it harmonizes the individual breath with the cosmic breath of the universe, guiding us into a deeper state of awareness and balance.

As Sankaracharya says:
“The emptying the mind of the whole of its illusion is the true rechaka (exhalation). The realization that ‘I am Atma (spirit)’ is the true puraka (inhalation). And the steady sustenance of the mind on this conviction is the true kumbhaka (retention). This is true pranayama.”

Pranayama allows us to align our individual breath with the cosmic breath of the Universal Spirit. Through breath, we access the key to self-realization and inner harmony.

What’s Included in the Challenge?

10 days of Daily Instructions: Clear, step-by-step guidance to ensure proper practice.

Short Impactful Classes: 20 minute sessions – Join Live or Practice from Recordings

Accountability and Motivation: Regular check-ins to keep you on track. 

Prizes for Completion: Celebrate your achievement with a special reward!

Breathwork Techniques You'll Learn

Yogic Breathing: Full-body breath to expand your lungs and fill your entire being with prana (life force).

Ujjayi Breathing: The victorious breath, a calming technique that balances the nervous system.

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan): Balances both hemispheres of the brain and promotes mental clarity.

Kumbhaka (Holding of Breath): Practice of breath retention, essential for controlling prana and achieving calmness.

Bandhas (Energy Locks): Harness internal energy using muscular contractions to redirect prana in your body.

Kapalbhati (Breath of Fire): A cleansing technique to invigorate the mind and body.

Agnisar Kriya: Ignite the digestive fire and stimulate energy flow.

Bhastrika (Bellows Breath): Generate heat and energize the body and mind.

Humming Bee Breath (Bhramari): Soothing the mind with calming vibrations.

Khecari Mudra: A powerful yogic gesture for advanced breath control.


✨SUGGESTED TUTION 11 USD || 901 INR || 351 NTD || 11 Euro || 11 GBP ✨

I have kept the price low to make it accessible and motivate more people to join, however I understand that there are times when finances are hard. The Universe has your back – pay whatever is possible for you.

At the same time if you would like to pay more – that’s very welcome 🙏🏼

The Power of Pranayama

There is a deep relationship between the breath and the mind. If you are angry or stressed, your breath becomes shallow and irregular. When you are calm, your breath is deep and rhythmic. Our state of mind affects our breathing, but did you know that the reverse is also true? Breathing in specific ways can positively alter the state of your mind.

“I have 99 problems but Pranayama solved like 88 of them.”

The deep connection between breath and mind allows you to shift your mental state through controlled breathing, calming anxiety, reducing stress, and boosting vitality. Pranayama has the power to increase lung capacity, promote immunity, and even aid in emotional healing

Pranayama is a transformative practice that has the potential to change your life, helping you unlock inner peace and stability.

Prana in the body of the individual (jivatma) is part of the cosmic breath of the Universal Spirit (Paramatma). Through pranayama, we harmonize individual breath with the cosmic breath!

Why Join this Challenge?

This 10-day challenge is a perfect opportunity to dive deep into these ancient practices with proper guidance. In just 20 minutes a day, you will learn powerful techniques to bring balance to your physical, mental, and spiritual self. No fancy equipment or prior experience needed—just a willingness to explore the transformative power of breath.

Challenge Details

  • Date: October 28th (Weekdays only)
  • Time: 20 Minutes Daily (Schedule to be announced later)
  • Location: Online (Zoom) – Classes will be recorded, so you can practice in your own time if you miss a live session.

Even if someone misses a live session, they will have access to recorded sessions.


The investment for this 10-day challenge is just 11 USD || 901 INR || 351 NTD || 11 Euro || 11 GBP. But if you’re facing financial constraints, you can pay whatever you can. We want to make this transformative experience accessible to as many people as possible! 🌿


Receive ongoing support throughout the challenge in our dedicated WhatsApp group. You’ll connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and get direct guidance. “Start Your Sacred Breath Journey Today” and join a global community of practitioners.

Also Check Out "Surya Namaskar Sadhana"

Surya Namaskar is by itself, a powerful yoga practice. It systematically moves the spine, massages the inner organs, balances the endocrine system, and harmonizes the energy channels. This results in stability of the body and a cleansing of the mind, creating the foundation for exploring higher states of consciousness. 🙏
But what if you could take this to an even deeper level?
The Surya Namaskar Sadhana increases the potency of this practice  consciously invoking the secret yogic practices of Mantra, Mudra, Chakra, Bandha, and Kumbhaka during each round of Sun Salutations. You can join my course or get started with the book.

Get your copy of the book HERE – Available FREE to kindle Unlimited users for a limited time!

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