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First weekend of every month we organize Yoga and Climbing camp at Longdong (龍洞岩場) in Taiwan. Next camp on 2nd & 3rd July. Fill this 形式 加入 - 名額有限 插槽可用!

Once a month we organize a climbing and yoga camp in Taiwan with amazing Yoga Teachers and Expert Climbers. Start your mornings with an open air outdoor yoga class, get a climbing tutorial from an expert and then go together to climb outside or nature exploration (waterfall/hike/river trace/hot spring) in the wilds of Taiwan. In the evening get revitalized with relaxing yoga practice and then spend some time with yourself.

Tentative Schedule

Saturday Day 1

我們將從 Prabhat 的瑜伽課開始新的一天,享用早餐並參加攀岩工作坊,學習戶外攀岩的基本技能。


Post dinner we relax and get some personal time. In the night there will be a meditation workshop.

Sunday Day 2


Post climbing we can swim and attempt some deep water solo. Afterwards you have some free time for yourself.

In the evening we will do yoga for relaxation and healing.

Introductory Prices

1800 NTD per day

3000 NTD both days

What’s included





What’s NOT included

Personal climbing gear – climbing shoes, harness, helmet, chalk etc. – this can be rented at the crackhouse hostel


Accommodation – you can camp or stay at the hostel



Dean Chu (朱律親)是我們的攀岩專家,從小就熱愛大自然和戶外活動,也正是因為這份熱愛,他於2017年前往NOLS的Patagonia(NOLS是南美非營利性的全球荒野學校)參加了一場 年戶外技術培訓。 從NOLS完成畢業後,他繼續在歐洲和美國攀登以提高自己的技能。 目前他是台北著名攀岩館之一的首席老師和路線製定者。 他希望這些經驗和訓練能夠傳遞給我們攀岩&瑜伽營的學員,讓隊員們無論面對大牆上的風,還是面對冰川融化,都能安心。

Dean Chu 朱律親 Our Climbing Instructor

Prabhat Bhadauria 是 Hub of Yoga 的高級瑜伽老師(500 RYT),目前居住在台灣,在線和親自授課。 他擁有工程學和碩士學位,曾在大大小小的科技公司工作過,創業公司的創始人,狂熱的探險家和大自然愛好者。 他於 1984 年出生於印度,自 2012 年以來一直居住在台灣,他熱愛台灣,現在稱之為家。 2018 年,他將注意力轉移到愛好和正念生活上。 2020年他在印度旅行時,偶然發現了瑜伽這條路。 正是在這個時候,冠狀病毒大流行來襲,他在接下來的兩年裡在瑞詩凱詩向真正的大師學習瑜伽。 了解有關 Prabhat 和他的課程的更多信息 這裡

Meet Prabhat Bhadauria your Yoga Teacher


Imagine spending your weekend by the ocean, surrounded by hills at one side, cool ocean waters to swim in, cliffs to explore and jump from and learning climbing, yoga and meditation from passionate and experienced teachers!! You can join us just for one day or both days. You are free to camp or stay at one of the hostels in the area. Now take a deep breath and send us a message at or fill the registration form and I will be happy to guide you with everything. I look forward to seeing you on this amazing adventure.
