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Surya Namaskar Sadhana is a powerful yogic method to activate the inner power, fully exercise the physical body, clear the mind and attain a higher state of awareness in a small amount of time.

Requires completion of Surya Namaskar Challenge – 12 days of Guided Surya Namaskar practice to ensure you are familiar with the basics of Surya Namaskar and your body is ready for this intense Sadhana. You can find and complete this challenge Here 

Begins 23rd September, 2024

Surya Namaskar is by itself, a powerful yoga practice. It systematically moves the spine, massages the inner organs, balances the endocrine system and balances the energy channels. This results in stability of the body and cleansing of the mind which is the starting point to explore the higher states of consciousness.

The Surya Namaskar Sadhana takes this foundation and increases the potency by more than a hundred times by consciously invoking the secret yogic practices of Mantra, Mudra, Chakra, Bandha and Kumbhaka in the practice of Surya Namaskar.

It becomes a complete yoga practice in itself – a sadhana yet takes the same amount of time as doing the regular Surya namaskar. For those who put in the effort to learn – it becomes a potent tool that brings a deep peaceful meditative state in a short amount of time.

Traditionally these concepts are considered “advanced” and “secret” in yoga and not much instruction is available in a form that is easily accessible. Based on years of practice and instruction from my teachers – I have found that these subtle layers transform the practice of Surya Namaskar from merely physical to a deeply spiritual experience that integrates the mind, body, and soul, elevating the practitioner to a state of profound inner peace and enlightenment.


In this course we are going to deep dive into the Traditional Surya Namaskar and look to deepen the practice by incorporating subtle aspects of Mudra, Kumbhaka, Bandha, Mantra and Chakras into the practice. We will look at variations suitable for a beginner and an advanced practitioner of yoga. After the course you will feel confident enough to incorporate these concepts in your own practice and in your classrooms (for a Yoga Instructor).

Surya Namaskar Asanas, Alignment & Adjustments

Mudra in the context of Sun Salutations

Bandhas & their application to deepen the practice

Application of Kumbhaka (Breath Retention)

Surya Namaskar Mantras

Chakras & their Application

Bringing it All Together

Surya Namaskar Variations for advanced students/teachers


150 EuroSeptember 23, 2024 

DURATION - 10 hours

Begins 23rd September, 2024


Access to Recordings will be made available for a period of 90 days


This course is based on Prabhat’s book titled “Surya Namaskar Sadhana” published in April 2024 in the form of E-Book. The E-Book is available for purchase 這裡

Access to the book will be available to all students of the course as reference material.


Deepen Your Practice of Surya Namaskar

Prepares one for higher states of Consciousness

Experience the powerful Vibrations of Surya Mantras

Balance& Cleanse your Energy Channels

Become your OWN Teacher

Transform your life with Surya Namaskar Sadhana Certification: Join our 10 hour course starting from $150


All the knowledge and instructions are available in my book on the same topic available for a symbolic price of 5 Dollars. If you can’t afford the course get a copy of the book HERE and get started.
