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Hub of Yoga is a Virtual School of Yoga created by the Dynamic Yogi couple – Karolina & Prabhat. They are working to bring Traditional Yoga and Tantra techniques in a way that is practical and meaningful to the modern day and age without compromising its core essence.

Upcoming Courses & Classes

Goddess Wisdom Academy is a 100-hour Certification in Divine Feminine Embodiment & Shakta Tantra. Skillfully guide and teach with credentials from the US Yoga Alliance.

Become KALI DURGA DANCE & RITUAL Facilitator!

1-on-1 ONLINE classes. 15 hours YACEP Certification (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider)

Regular practice of Asana & Pranayama is a must for any sadhaka on the path of yoga. Even at the age of 85, my Guru Vanamali Mataji practices Surya Namaskar, Yoga Asanas & Pranayama everyday without fail. The “Surya Namaskar Challenge” is a 12 day introductory course offered by Hub of Yoga in which you will learn the sequence step by step, practice with correct breathing and invocation of mantras, and gradually build up to 12 full rounds by the final day. The Program is starting from Monday, 27th January 2025! 🌞 and available to all yoga Sadhakas on donation basis

Have you ever wondered what meditation truly means? Is it possible to find inner peace and explore the silence within?

Join us for 7 days of meditation! Based on the teachings of Sage Patanjali Ji’s Yoga Sutras, we will explore ancient techniques to calm the mind, reduce stress, and connect with our true selves.

This entire course is now offered on pay-whatever-you like model. we want it to be accessible to EVERYONE. We sincerely hope more people will utilize this opportunity 🕉🙏🏽

When your breath is in rhythm, Your life becomes a Song. Embark on a journey with Prabhat Bhadauria, E-RYT 500 and founder of Hub of Yoga to discover the ancient techniques of Breathing from Yoga traditions and learn to apply them in daily life. Each session is short and highly impactful – introducing powerful breathing techniques and guided practice sessions. We feel that this has become MUCH MORE than just a Challenge – it has blossomed into a wonderful course in Pranayama with a depth which is missing in most yoga TTCs (Teacher Training Courses). And it hardly costs anything –  we want it to be accessible to EVERYONE. We sincerely hope more people will utilize this opportunity 🕉🙏🏽

An In Depth Course In All aspects of traditional Sun Salutations
In this course we are going to deep dive into the Traditional Surya Namaskar and look to deepen the practice by incorporating subtle aspects like Drishti, Kumbhaka, Bandha, Mantra and Chakras into the practice. We will look at variations suitable for a beginner and an advanced practitioner of yoga. After the course you will feel confident enough to incorporate these concepts in your own practice and in your classrooms.

A Comprehensive guide on Traditional Sun Salutations
Dear Friends! I am very pleased to announce the launch of my first Book on Yoga “Surya Namaskar Sadhana” – A Comprehensive guide on Traditional Sun Salutations! About 4 years ago I was listening to a discourse by Vanamali Mataji in Rishikesh and one thing stuck “If you are a Yoga Teacher – you must do 12 rounds of Sun Salutation everyday minimum”. From that day onwards no matter where I am – my practice always begins with Surya Namaskar and to this day I learn something with each practice. The traditional Surya Namaskar has become more than a warm up sequence and the application of bandhas, mudra, kumbhaka, mantras and chakras have automatically come into the practice. Since I couldn’t find this information very clearly mentioned in the texts I have taken the opportunity to share my practice sequence here in the form of an instructional e-Book. I hope this will motivate some of you to pick up and deepen the practice of Surya Namaskar and yoga. As part of my Birthday Celebration – FREE access for everyone till 31st of May

1 on 1 Yoga Classes with Prabhat

Prabhat Bhadauria is a Senior yoga teacher (500 E-RYT) at Hub of Yoga, currently living in Hualien, Taiwan. You can deepen your knowledge and practice of yoga by learning privately either in person or online with Prabhat.

Deepen your KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE in Yoga Nidra!

Learn how to apply the science of a YOGIC SLEEP to yourself and OTHERS.
This SELF-PASED & PRE-RECORDED course will give you all the tools to understand this ancient science of yogic sleep. Completing this course will give you all the tolls to start leading yoga nidra for yourself and your students and also eligible to get 15 hours YACEP Certification (Yoga Alliance Certified).


12 days of Daily Instructions: Clear, step-by-step guidance to ensure proper practice.

Short Impactful Classes: 20 minute sessions x 12 days. Aim to do 12 rounds by the 12th day!

Accountability and Motivation: Regular check-ins to keep you on track. 

Prizes for Completion: Celebrate your achievement with a special reward!

Dear sisters! We invite you to unleash your inner Goddess at our 3 day women’s retreat in Taitung, Taiwan. Over these 3 days we will unite in sacred sisterhood and dive into authentic ancient practices of Tantra & Himalayan Kriya Yoga, the blend of transforming and healing modalities and spiritual practices.

Women's Pilgrimage to India

Dear women, I invite you on a sacred life changing journey to mother India. The purpose of the journey is to accept and unite our two opposite poles, the male and female energies within us. The union of the energies of SHIVA and SHAKTI turns into a cosmic dance of love.

Yoga & Climbing Camp (July 2022) at Longdong (龍洞岩場)

Our next climbing and yoga camp is happening at Longdong (龍洞岩場) in July, 2022. Fill this 形式 to join – limited slots remaining!

